OSC Hot 100

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This page tracks the largest object-show-related YouTube channels! Right now, I'm only including channels with 3,000+ subscribers, or friends I know in real life. Do you qualify, and want to be added to the OSC Hot 100? Click here!

Tip: Press WASD or Arrow Keys to move forward/backward through time, or up and down the leaderboard.

The OSC Hot 100 updates daily (sometime between 7:00-8:00 PM PST).

Tag Meaning
This channel is related to the OSC, but predominantly uploads non-OSC content now. For "Not-only-OSC" channels to still qualify for this list, there must have been a time when the owner of the channel primarily uploaded object-show content somewhere: otherwise, it doesn't belong on this list at all. (For example, reaction channels that have reacted to dozens of shows and a few BFDI episodes will not qualify.)
This channel is owned by either Michael or Cary Huang.
This channel was added to the OSC Hot 100 list in the last 7 days.
This channel has less than the subscriber threshold, but is allowed on the list because it's owned by a friend of Cary Huang. If you aren't Cary's friend, then the only way you can qualify for this list is to reach the subscriber milestone!